2018北京舞蹈双周 - 焦点舞台 节目6 《冰树芳华》 Ice Tree 编舞:茵芭·平托、奥仲洛姆·波洛克 Choreography:Inbal PINTO, Avshalom POLLAK 演出舞团:平头舞蹈团(以色列) Presented by: Inbal Pinto & Avshalom Pollak Dance Company (IL) 演出日期/时间:2018.07.31(周二) 20:00 Performance Date/Time: July 31th, 2018 (Tuesday) 20:00 演出场馆:北京天桥艺术中心 中剧场 Performance Venue: Lyric Theatre, Beijing Tianqiao Performance Arts Center 演出票价:¥300 / 220 / 160 / 80 Ticket Info: ¥300 / 220 / 160 / 80
节目简介: 《冰树芳华》就像是一场迷人的探索之旅,如考古般深入编舞二人的合力钜作。他们朝熟悉的景象倒退,犹如重新打开一封从遥不可及的远古时空所发来的信件,消散至今,俨然已在截然不同的经历中重塑自身。在平托和波洛克的神奇宇宙深处,尤內斯库的椅子现身于舞作,一切荒诞瞬间幻变成现实。这是一次悲与喜的碰撞,作者在剧中寻找笔下的角色,在一个无处可去之地创造一个由梦想破碎而成的世界。 《椅子》是由荒诞派戏剧最著名的代表之一欧仁.尤內斯库于1956年创作并公演的悲喜剧作,讲述一对年逾九旬的老夫妻对着象征宾客盈门的满台空椅追述往事。 Ice Tree – a fascinating journey of discovery, diving into the archeological layers of Avshalom Pollak's and Inbal Pinto's collaborative work. At a controlled distance, together they return towards the familiar landscapes; it is like reopening a letter sent from a faraway, from another time, one that dissipates into the present, forging a completely different experience, and reinventing themselves. In the depths of PINTO-POLLAK fantastic universe, Eugène Ionesco’s Chairs come to live in a dance, and the absurd instantly becomes reality. This is a comic-tragic encounter between characters in the search for an author, and forgotten beings in a place that is nowhere and everywhere, creating a world made of broken dreams.
舞团简介: 平头舞蹈团 平头舞蹈团于1992年由茵芭.平托与奥仲洛姆.波洛克共同创立。舞蹈团座落于特拉维夫的苏珊娜.德拉尔舞蹈中心,由十二位舞蹈演员组成。两位艺术家以他们努力及才华,在制作、执导、设计及编舞上获得多个奖项,并创作出独具一格的舞蹈表演。他们的作品在以色列国内名声显赫,也曾在世界各地巡回演出,在国际上颇具影响力。
Inbal Pinto & Avshalom Pollak Dance Company Artists Inbal PINTO and Avshalom POLLAK founded the dance company in 1992. The company resides at the Suzanne Dellai Dance Centre and has 12 dancers. Their performances have been widely recognized and presented in cities around Israel, and have toured in many countries around the world |