节目简介: 不忘初形,不忘初心。时间不语,你我不言。不言不语,身体在运动中产生联系。动作发生,能量消耗,潜移间引出一道无形的痕迹。不知不觉中,回归生命本初,不拘言语,以身体运动,探寻表达的过程;不求形式,凭诚挚朴实,体悟内里初衷。中国舞坛生力军李翩翩、谭远波继《本无》之后,推出又一全新力作《本初》。作品旨在探寻人性之本真及身体运动之初形。作品是2016年文化部主办的第十一届全国优秀舞蹈节目展演受邀剧目,并屡次获邀往澳大利亚、新西兰、马来西亚及中国北京参加国际舞蹈艺术节。2017年作品获国家艺术基金资助提升传播。 Dance in the initial state of body and mind. Time doesn't speak, neither do you and I. Without words, the bodies interact with each other in motion. When there are movements, there are energy consumed, which leaves an invisible trace. Unknowingly, return to the beginning of life, and explore the process of expressing using body movements instead of verbal languages. Forget about the form, and comprehend the initiative inside with sincerity and simplicity. Li Pianpian and Tan Yuanbo, two of the promising choreographers in China, jointly present their brand‐new work Point One, after the success of previous work Point Zero. Point One is an abstract, non ‐narrative dance that tends to explore the true spirit of human nature and the initial state of physical movement. The piece was invited to perform in the international dance festivals in Australia and Malaysia after premiere.
舞团简介: 广东现代舞团 广东现代舞团由广东省政府批准成立,是中国第一个现代舞专业表演团体,以精湛的创作及演出闻名海内外。广东现代舞团的成立是国内舞蹈史上的一个里程碑,被美国《纽约时报》形容为“国际舞蹈界的成功典范”。舞团开放、创新的思维观念和前瞻、包容的特质吸引了全国极具天分及勇于探索的艺术人才前来工作,作品赢得国内外一致好评。 舞团在国际上享有盛誉,多次应邀参加美国、加拿大、德国、法国、瑞士、荷兰、比利时、英国、意大利、丹麦、奥地利、新加坡、韩国、印尼、菲律宾、马来西亚、日本、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、波兰、斯洛伐克、墨西哥、哥伦比亚、玻利维亚、以色列、新西兰、澳大利亚及香港、澳门及台湾地区举办的国际艺术节演出。所到之处,无不受到观众和媒体的高度赞赏与评价。 Guangdong Modern Dance Company Guangdong Modern Dance Company(GMDC), mainland China’s first professional modern dance company, is internationally renowned for its exquisite and captivating performances. The Company was founded in 1992 approved by the People's Government of Guangdong Province. GMDC has been hailed by The New York Times as “one of the big success stories of international dance” and “a pacesetter with a difference”. Its vision of modern dance as a tool for self-expression has attracted some of the most talented dancers and choreographers in China. Works created by its dancers, resident choreographers, artistic directors and international guest artists have won critical acclaim and overwhelming audience responses around the world. During the past decades, China has witnessed not only the growth of this great modern dance company but also the rise of its many sparkling stars, both at home and abroad.