《警幻绝》《幻茶谜经》《双下山》 Dreams of Zen / The Tea Spell / Escaping From the Temple
东方灵欲三部曲开篇之作 潜心赤诚,一舞绝尘 《红楼梦》的未完,宝玉之情还在。
《警幻绝》源引《红楼梦》“太虚幻境”片段……宝玉梦游太虚幻境,遇见警幻仙姑。《情榜》的内容藏在捉迷屏后,宝玉的结局不再莲瓣无声,醒悟在白茫茫大地真干净,携《情榜》而归太虚的后三十回,由终至始的讲述一个尘封于残书之内的故事…… Dreams of Zen was inspired by an episode of A Dream of Red Mansions: in his dream,the male lead character JiaBaoyu walks around in an illusive world and meets a fairy there.
一簇鲜花、一盏灯笼、一方蒲团、一领草席,一尊木马、一座床榻、一颈荷花、一握绣扇、一轮明月、一帐熏香、一抹黛眉、一扇围屏。舞台上"十二"的隐语,因弃而得,为得而弃,参透前世情缘。 "好一似食尽鸟投林,落了片白茫茫大地真干净"。群芳争艳,浮生绝美,一袭华袍之下终不离千红一哭,万艳同悲…… The metaphor of “12” is illustrated on the stage: a bunch of flowers, a lamp, a meditation cushion, a straw mat, a wooden horse, a bed, a lotus, a silk fan, a moon, an incense, a set of eyebrows after make-up and a folding screen.With the idea of “having by letting go” or “letting go for the sake of having”, one may gain insights into their past life love stories.“Just as birds would eventually part their ways after sharing food in the forest, in the end, all is gone and nothing is left.”Despite all the stories of the beautiful ladies (in A Dream of Red Mansions), in the end, the male lead character was left alone with a tragic ending.
《警幻绝》在三部曲中诞生的时间最早,制作周期最长,人物角色亦是三部曲中最多的一部。导演赵梁在创作此剧时几经磨难,又遇父亲过世,该部作品的最终顺利上演亦凝结了他对父亲在天之灵的一份告慰和追思。 Dreams of Zen was the earliest show created among the three and took the longest time.It also has the largest number of roles to play.Director Zhao Liang went through numerous challenges in the production process, including his father’s passing away during that time.In the end, the successful debut of this performance was his way to memorize his late father...