《 未 · 知 》 “UNKNOWN”
包含两个不同风格的中型作品。 上半场作品将持续更新,下半场作品保留不变。 It contains two medium works with different characters. It will have sustainable changes in the first half performance while it keeps unchangeable in the second half.
中国文学艺术发展专项基金资助项目 上海市文联中青年艺术家扶持计划 第19届上海国际艺术节“走出去”项目 2016国家大剧院“中国舞蹈十二天”参演作品 上海国际舞蹈中心青年编导孵化项目 编导手记:
UNKNOWN 是 2016 年我与以色列KIBBUTZ现代舞团编舞家Eyal Dadon 先生首次合作的倾力之作,也是Eyal在中国为中国舞团编创的第一个作品。作品于 2016 年8月23 日和 24日在北京国家大剧院《中国舞蹈十二天》项目中完成首演,9月2号在上戏剧院首演。 UNKNOWN was a great performance I cooperated for the first time with Mr. Eyal Dadon, the choreographer of Israeli KIBBUTZ modern dance company in 2016. In addition, it was also the first works Eyal created for Chinese dance theaters in China. The dance was performed initially in the program “Twelve Days of Chinese Dance” in Beijing National Grand Theatre on August 23rd to 24th in 2016. On September 2nd, it was performed initially in Shanghai Theatre Academy.
UNKNOWN 它更是一个随着时间持续探索和更新的概念。这个大的名字之下将包含不同风格的中型作品,2016年的首演版本,其中包括Eyal的45分钟作品《层次》,我和黎星25分钟的作品《触碰》,共时长 70 分钟。 Typically, UNKNOWN is a sustainable exploration and innovation with time. Moreover, the great name contains medium works with different styles. The initial edition in 2016, which contains LAYERS (the 45-minute works of Eyal) and TOUCH (the 25-minute works performed by me and Li Xing), lasts 70 minutes.
2018 年,谢欣舞蹈剧场将推出《未·知UNKNOWN》=《…之后…》+《层次》的全新版本,更新时长 80 分钟。 —— 谢欣 In 2018, Xiexin Dance Theater will release the brand new edition of UNKNOWN= LATER +LAYERS. And, the time of works will be as long as 80 minutes.-------Xie Xin
「《未·知》是谢欣和以色列非常著名的编舞家戴顿先生的精彩合作,在我们的人生当中会经历无数次未知,我们每个人都会有过这样的生活体验,未知可能会带给我们恐惧、未知也会带给我们期待。恐惧和期待可能是人作为灵长类动物所特有的一种心理的体验。 现代舞艺术进入中国应该说也有一些年头了,在我们的现代舞者当中勇敢的去探索未知、探索未来,应该可以说是现代舞艺术的一种精神。谢欣秉持了这样一种现代艺术精神,她创作和她的表演是融为一体的,她的身体是超敏感的、极其细腻的。在她的舞动当中,我每一次都期望能预测到她的下一秒的动作,但她每次都会超越我的想象,所以她用《未·知》来作为她自己作品的名字,我觉得这恰恰是谢欣自己独特的艺术体验。 」—— 冯双白(导师) UNKNOWN is a wonderful dance cooperated by Xie Xin and Mr. Eyal Dadon, a famous Israeli choreographer.In our lives, we may have many unknown experiences and each of us won’t be an exception. Something unknown will bring us the horrors as well as the expectations. In addition, the horrors and expectations may be the typical psychological experiences for human beings who are considered as one of the primates. Actually, modern dance art has developed for many years in China. The modern dancers explore the unknown fields and the future with courage, which is considered as the spirit of modern dance art. Inherited from the spirit of modern art, Xie Xin has integrated her creation into performance. Her body is extremely sensitive and delicate. In her dance, every time, I usually expect to predict her next actions but her actions will be beyond my imagination. As she has chosen UNKNOWN as the title of her works, I think Xie Xin’s typical artistic experiences can be exactly shown in the performance.------Feng Shuangbai (Tutor)
谢欣舞蹈剧场《UNKNOWN 未·知》这个作品是我今年看到的最好的现代舞作品,没有之一。这个作品没有任何道具和装置,就是靠纯粹的人体本身。如果不去看,你会错过今年最嗨的一部作品 。——梁戈逻 The dance UNKNOWN performed by Xiexin Dance Theater is my favorite modern dance I enjoyed this year and no other ones can match it. There are no stage properties and equipment in the works. It is totally performed by human bodies. If you refuse to enjoy, you will miss the best dance this year.---- Liang Geluo
上半场作品《 …之后… 》35“ The first half works ……AFTER……(35’)
我们的首次跨界合作,作品中现代舞加入戏剧的融合,会发生什么化学反应呢? As the first cross-border cooperation, we added the elements of drama into modern dances. Then, what changes will they have?
芸芸关系…两人之间…一纸之后… Mixed relations….between two persons….behind the paper….
人一生会遇到约2920万人,两个人相爱的概率是0.000049。内地当红舞者、编导谢欣和来自香港的编导潘振濠真诚演绎在芸芸关系之中,两人之间将何去何从…… A person may meet 29,200,000 people in the whole life and the probability that two people fall in love will be 0.000049. Xie Xin, the popular dancer and choreographer from mainland China, and Pan Zhenhao, the choreographer from Hong Kong will give a sincere performance in mixed relations to explain what the relationship will be between two persons……
这次的创作与以往作品最不一样的一点是在:以往的作品里,她对身体的逻辑性探索性更为痴迷。但这次和潘振濠的合作,让她在戏剧上有了更多的经验和感受,在动作之上更多了一层对人物和情景的创造空间。让身体加入戏剧化的表演,从动态中将人物的关系勾勒出来,并且这也是她第一次在作品中运用道具,丰满了既定人物之间微妙的关系。 One of the differences for the creation from the previous works is that she is more fascinated for logical exploration of body comparing to the previous works. This time, with the cooperation with Pan Zhenhao, she has gained more experiences and feelings in the dramas. Besides, she has more creative ideas of characters and scenes in actions. She integrates the body into dramatic performances and outlines the relations of characters from dynamic changes. In addition, it is the first time for her to use stage properties in the works in order to enrich subtle relationship of the fixed characters.
下半场作品《 层 次 》45“ The last half works LAYERS (45’)
以色列鬼才编导 Eyal Dadon 为谢欣舞蹈剧场量身打造, 并是他在中国创作演出的首部作品。 As the first works created in China, it is tailored for Xiexin Dance Theater by Israeli talented choreographer Eyal Dadon.
节目介绍: 我们可以说:任何事物都有层次。譬如:颜色、声音、衣服、材料、感觉、性格、思想、心灵、空气、皮肤等万事万物。 混合的层次连接着不同文化,有助于彼此之间相互理解。就像颜色和音乐那样,不管什么颜色或者音乐,只要你加以混合,就能得到某种你能够理解的结果。可能你不喜欢这一结果,但是这算是口味的问题而已。 一个人应该明白如何设想和“梦想”层次所呈现的方式,因为层次能以很多种方式加以解读。但是,能够以一种方式去理解透彻已经足够,这样整个世界就可以从中得到发现。 Everything - has layers.Color, Sound, Clothes, Material, sense, personality, thoughts, soul, air, skin, everything. Dadon believes that, mixing layers, can connect between cultures, and can help the understanding of each other, just like color or music, it doesn’t matter which color or music you will mix, you will have a result of something, which you will be able to understand. A person should know how to imagine and “dream” about the way that layers looks like, because it can be translated in many ways, but it is enough to have one way to see it, and a whole world can be discovered.
策划&出品 Produced by 谢欣舞蹈剧场 Xiexin Dance Theater
编导 Choreographers 谢欣、Eyal Dadon、潘振濠 Xie Xin、Eyal Dadon、Pan Zhenhao
演员 Dancers 谢欣、刘迦、胡沈员、龚兴兴、杜彦皓、潘振濠、刘学、王琦、樊晓芸 Xie Xin、Liu Jia、Hu Shengyuan、Gong Xingxing、Du Yanhao、Pan Zhenhao、Liu Xue、Wang Qi、Fan Xiaoyun