“这对夫妻歌手的作品像枚炮弹一样让世界为之一振。” ——博尔德周报
“除了碧昂丝和Jay-Z之外,嘻哈圈内罕见的夫妻档双人组合。” ——丹佛邮报
乐团介绍: “The Reminders”是一个非常罕见且卓越的二人组,该团由结婚近十年的Big Samir和Aja Black夫妇组成。两人因为彼此相爱又从事着所热爱的事业,使得作品产生了具有魔力的化学反应。他们将饱含情感的歌声、独特锋利的押韵混搭和欢乐的雷鬼嘻哈节奏为背景等元素进行无缝连接,从自信、多变的旋律和独特的声音进行演绎,The Reminders组合也被观众赞美为:一次又一次的打破常规,一次又一次的超乎期待。
演出经历: The Reminders在2008年的首张专辑《回忆》以及2012年的《生而为王》被广大观众所熟识。透过音乐会、巡演、音乐奖项、电视电台节目等期间获得了广泛称赞。The Reminders常与众多艺术家合作演出,例如:Les Nubians、Snoop Dogg、Fishbone、Barrington Levy, Nas, Mos Def, Big Boi, KRS-One, Rakim, K'Naan等。The Reminders以饱满的状态不断地创作音乐,连番获得国际赞誉,给观众们留下了深刻的印象。
The Reminders are a rare and remarkable musical duo seamlessly blending soulful sounds and roots music with insightful messages and thoughtful lyrics. The group consists of Brussels-born emcee Big Samir and Queens-born emcee/ vocalist Aja Black, a collective creative force that’s hard to beat. Big Samir weaves intricate rhythmic patterns with a bilingual French/English flow, displaying his street-smart credibility in both his lyrics and cool demeanor. This is beautifully complimented by Aja Black's confident delivery, diverse cadences, and unique vocal stylings. The two have an undeniable magical chemistry as they share more than lyrical abilities and stages; the couple shares a partnership in both music and life as Samir and Aja have been married for almost a decade. |