2018北京舞蹈双周 - 另类舞台节目四《南山男》
“南山男” Southern Boys
《烂柯:一盅两件》 Limb Clock: Dim Sum Hour 编舞/演出:何其沃/二高表演(中国广州) Choreography/Performance: HE Qi-wo / Ergao Dance Production Group (Guangzhou, CN)
《有人喜欢蓝》 Some Adore Blue 编舞/演出:刘沛麟(中国澳门) Choreography/Performance: LAO Pui Lon(Macao, CN)
《顺》 Along 编舞/演出:曹德宝(中国香港) Choreography/Performance: Hugh CHO (HK, CN)
演出日期/时间:2018.07.30(周一) 17:00 Performance Date/Time: July 30th, 2018 (Monday) 17:00 演出场馆:北京天桥艺术中心 小剧场 Performance Venue: Studio Theater, Beijing Tianqiao Performance Arts Center 演出票价:¥160 Ticket Info: ¥160
《烂柯:一盅两件》 Limb Clock: Dim Sum Hour 编舞/演出:何其沃/二高表演(中国广州) Choreography/Performance: HE Qi-wo / Ergao Dance Production Group (Guangzhou, CN)
Limb Clock: Dim Sum HourIs about the immortals and the ordinary people, time and life, homeland and a place, family and affection. Dim Sum hour is being deemed a culture of family reunion among the Southern Chinese recalling foregone childhood memories. Through body and movements, choreographer, through dim sum culture, attempts to bring back such childhood memories and the homeland, touching on those who are away from home and on the new lifestyle that they are adapting.
Ergao founded ErGao Dance Production Group (EDPG) in 2007 in Guangzhou, focusing on dance theater, dance film, community art and dance education. He graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under full scholarship. With the body as the main medium, his works incorporate various multi-media and installations elements, often touching on Chinese social and cultural identities, sex, and gender issues.
《有人喜欢蓝》 Some Adore Blue 编舞/演出:刘沛麟(中国澳门) Choreography/Performance: LAO Pui Lon(Macao, CN)
One goes through different stages in life, and it is easy for one to try and stay in a so-called comfort zone. This comfort zone may not be the most ideal, but instead is the most avoidance on the urge to change. Life circles around and eventually back to reality. It is about how “one” handles based on one’s emotions, attitudes and methods towards reality? We all should find a balance to make our life…
LAO Pui Lon studied at the Taipei Art University majoring in performance, and he is a dancer with Stella & Artists, a contemporary dance company in Macao. Stella & Artists aims to advocate on Chinese culture in dance taking inspirations from Macao’s daily life, and to promote dance education enabling cultural exchanges between Macao and abroad.
《顺》 Along编舞/演出:曹德宝(中国香港) Choreography/Performance: Hugh CHO (HK, CN)
节目介绍: 以李小龙先生的功夫哲理为核心,曹德宝透过融汇不同的律动及表演方法,如功夫、打翻、跑酷及戏曲身段等将之重新演译,并归纳出「顺」的观念;不限于套路及某种个别的形式,而是超越了套路所涵盖的技术和招式。《顺》除了是一种对功夫哲理的体现外,也是一种生活态度:如何顺势而行,又能聚焦一点,使得一矢中的,却又不失原则 分寸。曹德宝的编舞无固定特徽和招式;无形、无式,以无法为有法。「无为而无不为」-- 老子道德经
Re-enacting and interpreting of classical fighting scenes of Bruce LEE’s movie by using different physical skills integrating with xiqu (cantonese opera), tricking and parkour techniques together with capoeira and material arts. Along recalls the memory of the Hong Kong action movie. With the influence of Bruce LEE, the choreography has no specific characteristic, no particular form; shapeless, formless, following no rules. Of nothing comes something, then it becomes a style! “The Tao never strives, yet nothing is left undone.” -- Tao TeChing (ancient Chinese wisdom), LAO Tzu
编舞介绍: 曹德宝毕业于香港演艺学院主修当代舞。2010年至2014年任不加锁舞踊馆驻团艺术家,开始参与舞蹈创作。2012年为短片《盛放永恒的阳光》编舞及演出,该短片2013年于康城影展「Short Film Corner」展出。借助独特的背景—从街舞艺人起家,到接受专业院校教育,多年练习卡泼卫勒舞和杂技,后成为粤剧的杂技演员,创建了有自我风格的编舞形式。
Hugh CHO graduated from Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts majoring in Contemporary Dance. He joined Unlock Dancing Plaza as resident artist from 2010 to 2014. He work Made in Hong Kong was performed in numerous cities in Asia and in Tanzmesse in 2016. CHO choreographed and performed in film Oh! Million Fist! which was screened in Clermont-Ferrand’s Short Film Festival 2018 and was also received Special Mention Award by International Performing Arts & Movie Awards (IPAMA) that year. Cho with his diverse background - started as a street dancer, trained in the academy, practiced Capoeira and acrobatics for years, and worked as a Cantonese Opera acrobats, CHO creates his own unique style of choreography. |